Saturday 22 November 2014

This website

Hello guys! I'm not really sure who will actually be reading this page, but its fine if nobody is reading my blog. I created this blog for me personally, for me to pen down my thoughts, feelings on current happenings in my life and outside my life. Yes, I'll probably read my own blog and be the only one. I don't plan to inform any of my peers around me of this blog that I write in frequently. Reason being, this page is for ME ( who you won't know of ) to anonymously write whats been going on in my head. I certainly don't want friends to know my judgement of them or etc.. :P. As such, my identity will definitely be hidden away, locked in the dungeons of the webby, out of sight from you blog viewers, if there's any to begin with. Okay I'll do a little introduction of myself, not too much to reveal who I am thought. I'm a teenager living in an Asian country ( that's right ). I'm fairly middle class but my family do experience financial difficulties at times. Nonetheless, I'm still very grateful for what I have. 3 meals, a roof above my head, comfortable living conditions, and sources of recreation are enough to suffice me. Since its an ASIAN country, education is really tough. I recently completed a major exam that I studied REALLLLLLL hard for! For the past 3 months, I'm either sleeping, traveling to school or home, eating or studying. Yes that's how rigorous and competitive education here is. I did enjoy parts of education though. Okay! To wrap up, feel free to view me and my pointless blog!